Saturday, December 29, 2007

Farming is the main source of income in Pelenque. Some farmers use tractors while others work the ground with a plow and plant the seeds by hand (as shown in the picture below). Some of the crops they grow are corn, beans, bananas, coffee, sugar cane, garlic, and onions.

We traveled to Barquisimeto (Pelenque) with a group from our church. The Shaloam band performed during several church services, we helped with the children's Sunday School class, and played soccer and baseball with the youth.

Can you believe this growing season? Sholder-high corn on December 23.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Bienvenidos to Venezuela

We do our laundry in an open-toped washing machine, rince it out by hand, and hang it out to dry. Our forearms are going to be huge from the wringing-out process.

Brett journaling on our front doorstep. As you can see in the picture, most windows have no glass or screens, which also means no air conditionaing.

Upon arriving in Venezuela, they treated us to Coca-Cola and a meal of rice, salad, and potatoes. This is the kitchen in Brett, Cassandra, and Jeremy's
house where they do all their own cooking. They are trying to perfect making rice and arepas (the Venezuelan national food).

This is Shaloam Mennonite Church where we will be serving for the next eight months. There are about 150 people who regularly attend the church. Brett, Cassandra, and Jeremy are living in a house above the church. The palm tree in the center marks the front door of our house.